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Organization Name:  Freedom House
Organization Overview:  Freedom House is a temporary home for survivors of persecution from around the world seeking legal asylum in the United States and Canada. We are the only agency in the United States that provides all services needed by those fleeing persecution in their home country Each year, hundreds of men, women and children arrive at Freedom House seeking shelter and help in rebuilding their lives in safety and freedom. They typically arrive exhausted, hungry and traumatized, with little more than the clothes they are wearing. Freedom House has the capacity to house 35 people at a time as they seek asylum. However, we take great pride in not turning away anyone who is eligible for asylum, which means we nearly always operate above capacity.
Language:  English,French,Spanish
Cultures:  All
Street:  2630 W. Lafayette
City/Township:  Detroit
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48216
Country:  USA
Phone:  (313) 964-4320
Fax No:  (313) 963-1077
Organization Name:  Freedom House - ESL
Organization Overview:  Freedom House Detroit is a temporary home for indigent survivors of persecution from around the world who are seeking asylum in the United States and Canada. Our mission is to uphold a fundamental American principle, one inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, providing safety for those “yearning to breathe free.” Guided by our belief that all persons deserve to live free from oppression and to be treated with justice, compassion and dignity, we offer a continuum of care and services to our residents as well as to other refugees in need. We advocate for systemic change that more fully recognizes the rights of asylum seekers.
Language:  English
Cultures:  All
Street:  2630 W. Lafayette
City/Township:  Detroit
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48216
Country:  USA
Phone:  (313) 9644320
Fax No:  (313) 9631077