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Organization Overview:  NAANA is the premier professional organization and advocate for American-Arab nurses. NAANA acts as an advocate for improved health care in the American-Arab community and as an expert resource for nurses and other health care providers regarding American-Arabs’ health care beliefs and practices. GOALS ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT THE RECRUITMENT OF ARAB-AMERICANS INTO NURSING. PROMOTE THE POSITIVE IMAGE OF ARAB-AMERICAN NURSES. FACILITATE THE GROWTH OF MEMBERSHIP IN NAANA. Implementation plans in collaboration with agencies/institutions include: Establish a speakers’ bureau as a resource for the community Identify experts from within the community Serve as a link between schools of nursing and Arab-American communities so that recruitment to nursing programs are facilitated Send nurses and nursing students to health fairs within the community for health screening, for prevention services. Offer professional development classes for nurses in the community. Meet, Learn and Network at NAANA4. EDUCATE HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS ABOUT CULTURAL PRACTICES OF THE ARAB-AMERICAN PATIENTS AND FAMILIES IMPLEMENTATION: Compile/develop educational program material on cultural practices and place on our website for general audiences; Educate communities at large about the health beliefs and practices of various cultural groups, especially those of Arab-American heritage; Identify existing resources and materials on cultural beliefs and practices [written material, modules on the web, etc]; Identify existing links from the Internet on culturally competent care. 5. IMPROVE THE HEALTH CARE OF THE ARAB-AMERICAN COMMUNITY THROUGH ADVOCACY AND EDUCATION. IMPLEMENTATION: Identify educational material aimed at the American-Arab community in Arabic or English; Reach out to the American-Arab community through places of worship, physician offices, chamber of commerce, ACCESS and the like; Bring care to the community [can be done through various means such as by recruiting interdisciplinary groups of health professional students engaged in screening, health fairs, community projects carried out by students, and the like. Can be done during holidays; as well, joining with other nursing associations with similar interests as ours. In order to do this we need to know the major health concerns of the Arab community].
Language:  Arabic,English
Cultures:  Arabic
Street:  615 Griswold Street Suite 925
City/Township:  Detroit
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48226
Country:  USA
Phone:  (313) 680-5049