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Organization Overview:  We provide Migrant Head Start services to 1,435 children ages two weeks to five years old in 18 centers throughout the state. Two centers are operated by delegate agencies. Season varies from 10 to 26 weeks but primarily runs from June through October. Families are migrant farm workers who are primarily from Texas and Florida.
Language:  English
Cultures:  All
Street:  416 N. Cedar Street
City/Township:  Lansing
State:  Michigan
Zip Code:  48912
Country:  USA
Phone:  (517) 323-7002
Fax No:  (517) 323-9840
Organization Name:  Telamon Corporation
Organization Overview:  Providing integration into the American community is one of the most powerful ways to fulfill our mission of “Empowering Individuals and Improving Communities”. Providing immigration services reunites families, provides legal status and work authorization, and access to courts. Telamon Immigration Counseling Services is a Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) recognized agency serving communities with Immigration Legal Counseling, Immigration Information Outreach, and Integration Services in Michigan and North Carolina. Telamon is an affiliate of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network. Legal Services Provided for Families and Individuals (Please note that Telamon Immigration Counseling Services does charge nominal fees for services): Family-based immigration services DACA - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals VAWA - Violence Against Women Act U-Visas - Victims of Crime TPS -Temporary Protected Status SIJS - Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Integration Services - we assist people to complete the US Citizenship application and work with partner agencies to assist them with the English language and civics education. Partner and community presentations to inform and prepare on immigration issues and to help educate on the risks of notario fraud.
Language:  English,Spanish
Cultures:  All,American,Central American,Hispanic,Latin American,Mexican,Spanish
Street:  416 N. Cedar Street
City/Township:  Lansing
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48912
Country:  USA
Phone:  (517) 323-7002; (919) 851-7611, ext 8141