Organization Name: Masjid Al-Salam (Dearborn Community Center)
Organization Overview: Welcomeأهلا وسهلا بكم
Welcome to Masjid Alsalam!
Welcome to our Website. Our website has information about Masjid Al-Salam, information about Imam Magdy, a calender that has events that the Masjid has throughout the year, media that you can download and listen to, and other features and options.
Any questions, comments, or concerns, you can email us at
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: Arabic,Lebanese
Street: 3900 Schaefer Rd.
City/Township: Dearborn
State: MI
Zip Code: 48126
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 584-9494
Fax No: (313) 584-5735
Organization Name: Tawheed Center
Organization Overview: Masjid Al-Tawheed was established in Detroit, Michigan in 1995. Back in 1995, the brothers who started the Masjid converted a store into a place for the worship of Allah The Most High. It is also known by the name, Tawheed Center of Detroit. Since 1995 the community has Alhamdulilah grown and so has the Masjid. Right next to the small old Masjid was built a new Masjid which has been in use since the year 2001. The old Masjid was converted to a full time Islamic school. Today the school offers Islamic Education to about 100 Muslim children from Kindergarten to 7th Grade for boys and girls.
Masjid Al-Tawheed is established on the principles of Ahlus Sunnah wa Al Jamaah. The guidance derived from the correct understanding of The Quran (The Book of Allah) and The Sunnah (The way of His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) upon the understanding of the pious predecessors. We stick to this Manhaj (Methodology) to the best of our capabilities and we take knowledge from the noble scholars of this Methodology. Sheikh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz, Sheikh Nasser ud Din Al Albani, Sheikh Saleh Ibn Utahimeen, Sheikh Muqbil Al Hadee and from this time Sheikh Rabee Al Madhkhali, Sheikh Saleh Al Fauzan, Sheikh Abdul Mohsin Al Abaad and their likes.
Language: Arabic,English
Street: 18624 W Warren Ave
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Zip Code: 48228
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 271-0731
Organization Name: Masjid Furqan
Organization Overview: Dear brothers, sisters, sons and daughters,
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatul Lahi Wa Barakatuh!
Have you ever lived in the dilemma of choosing between your children’s Islamic education and their public education? We hesitate in opting for Quran memorization for our children as we feel it may get in the way of worldly success which we estimate to be the only path for happiness in life. Well, with the will of Allah then with your help we can make our children complete both their education and memorization of the Quran at the same time.
The importance of Quran in our lives and our children’s lives cannot be overstated. Allah SWT is continuously speaking to us through the Quran. The Quran is the human manual written by the creator. To understand how to operate in this life, we need to understand and follow Allah’s commandments that are stated in the Quran.
Our communities in the United States suffer from a scarcity of full-time schools that teach the entire Quran to grade-schoolers. This problem is compounded by the immersion of our kids in public schools that drill into them the love of the material life. The Muslim adults are not in a much better predicament. They are overwhelmed with their everyday taxing lives trying to make ends meet and running chores from day break to sunset if not even further into the night. The Quran Institute of America (QIA) Hifz School is part of our project initiated with the goal of instilling the love and understanding of the Holy Quran. It is a full-time school in which our teachers will assist the students with the home-schooling core curriculum (Math, Science, language art, etc.) in addition to the Quran. Our graduates will grow to love the Word of Allah SWT and adopt it as part of their Muslim American identity. As a school administration, we try to fulfill our responsibility toward our beloved students.
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: All,American,Arabic
Street: 4430 Saint James St.
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Zip Code: 48120
Country: USA
Phone: (313)-584-4464
Fax No: (313) 216-1984
Organization Name: Islamic Association of Michigan (IAM)
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: Arabic,Multicultural,Pakistani
City/Township: Brownstown Township
State: MI
Zip Code: 48193
Country: USA
Phone: (734) 281-8050
Organization Name: MAYA School Muslim American Youth Academy
Organization Overview: MAYA MISSION
The mission of the Muslim American Youth Academy is to provide a high quality education for our students by nurturing cognitive skills for academic and positive character growth as well as instilling in them deeply rooted Islamic values that will help them achieve success.
The vision of the Muslim American Youth Academy is to promote intellectual, spiritual, social, and physical growth of our students through an Islamically based education.The active involvement of dedicated teachers, parents, and community members will inspire MAYA students to become devout, independent, creative, and compassionate Muslims who are enthusiastic about learning
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: Arabic
Street: 19500 Ford Rd.
City/Township: Dearborn
State: MI
Zip Code: 48128
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 593-0000
Fax No: (313) 436-7909
Organization Name: Metro Detroit Chinese C & M Alliance Church
Organization Overview: 歡迎您來到底特律華人宣道會的網站,盼望您能仔細瀏灠,得到您想要的資料。底特律華人宣道會是底特律華人屬靈的大家庭,我們共同委身,以耶穌基督為我們救主和生命的主,並一同事奉祂。我們並抱著耶穌基督的愛心去關心和幫助您們身心靈的需要,希望您們都得到基督的愛和生命。如果您有任何建議,請與我們連繫,願神祝福您並以祂聖靈引導您人生的每一步。請來訪問我們的教會。
Detroit Chinese Alliance Church is a multi-cultural, church-planting, missions-focused body of believers. We have worship services, events, and ministries in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English. Together, we are "one body serving Christ."
A personal note from the English Ministry pastor, Rob Burns: While I am Caucasian, I very much enjoy serving at a church largely comprised of ethnic Chinese peoples. Having served at this church for more than 4.5 years now, I can say that balancing a more "Eastern" perspective on Jesus Christ with the "Western" perspective I grew up with is one of the most enriching experiences of my life. Having also done missionary work in what was formerly Yugoslavia (a country which embodied the concept of transitional zone between what we think of as "East" and "West"), I can say that anyone desiring to know Christ within a rich cultural context balancing "East" and "West" does not have to go overseas to find it, but would do well simply to visit our church and speak with us about this!
Language: Mandarin Chinese,English,Mandarin Chinese
Cultures: All,American,Chinese
Street: 31329 John R Road
City/Township: Madison Heights
State: MI
Zip Code: 48071
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 588-0642
Organization Name: Michigan Muslim Community Council
Organization Overview: Unifying communites, promoting the best Islamic and American values,
and pursuing social justice in America
The Michigan Muslim Community Council has served the community for over 25 years. Our new name was adopted in 2012 after the merging of the Council of the Islamic Organizations of Michigan (CIOM) and the Islamic Shura Council of Michigan (ISCOM), and reflects our new focus on community building and our expanded board.
Street: 30701 Woodward Avenue, Suite 310
City/Township: Royal Oak
State: MI
Zip Code: 48073
Country: USA
Organization Name: Michigan Roundtable for Diversity & Inclusion
Organization Overview: Our mission is to help build sustainable inclusive communities. Since 1941 The Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion has been a not-for-profit civil rights organization located in Detroit working to overcome discrimination and racism by crossing racial, religious, ethnic and cultural boundaries. We bring together community leaders from government, law enforcement, education, faith, grass roots organizations and business to understand different points of view and then take action to overcome structural impediments to inclusion and equity. Our programs are recognized by national organizations for bringing about sustainable change. We work to address inequity throughout our region through a process of recognition, reconciliation/reorientation and renewal. We strive to build relationships that create social justice and build sustainable inclusive communities.
Language: English
Cultures: All,American
Street: 525 New Center One; 3031 W. Grand Blvd
City/Township: Detroit
State: Michigan
Zip Code: 48202
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 870-1500
Fax No: (313) 870-1501
Organization Name: Middle Eastern Bible Fellowship
Organization Overview: أهلا وسهلا بكم أيها الاحباء الى موقع كنيستنا الالكتروني. هذا الموقع سيساعدكم بدون أدنى شك على بناء حياة روحية مسيحية رفيعة المستوى من خلال كل ما ينشر عليه. كنيسة الشرق الاوسط الكتابية هي كنيسة عربية مستقـلّـة لا طائفية. غرَسها الربّ في مدينة ديترويت الكبرى شهادة له. أساس إيمانها هو كلمة الله الحيّة الباقية إلى الأبد الموحَى بها من الله بالروح القدس النافعة للتعليم والتوبيخ والتأديب والتقويم. الكنيسة مبنيّة على أساس متين والاساس هو صخر الدهور الصخر الكامل صنيعُه الذي هو ربنا الحبيب يسوع المسيح. وهي تؤمِن بالله المثلث الاقانيم وإمتدادها يعود إلى الكنيسة الرسولية الأولى وتعاليم الرسل والانبياء المعلنة لنا على صفحات الكتاب المقدس. أهدافها نشر نور كلمة المسيح في ظلام هذا العالم التعيس والبائس والعيش بقداسة في وسط جيل معوّج وملتوي تضيء فيه بالإتّكال الكلي على نعمة الله الغنيّة الفيّاضة والمباركة. هدفها هو الإبقاء على كنيسة مشرفة مثل الصباح وجميلة كالقمر وطاهرة كالشمس ومُرهبة كجيشٍ بألوية. منتظرة الرجاء المبارك وظهور ربّنا ومخلّصنا يسوع المسيح عريسها. الذي سيأتي عن قريب ليأخذ عروسه ويخطفها من وسط هذا العالم الشرير لتكون معه في الامجاد السماوية. هو ات عن قريب بمجدٍ عظيم ليدين الأحياء والأموات الذي له المجد والقدرة والعظمة والسلطان إلى دهر الداهرين وإلى أبد الآبدين. آمــــيــــن.
The Middle Eastern Bible Fellowship is a small organization in the religious organizations industry located in Clawson, MI. It opened its doors in 2009 and now has an estimated $57,000 USD in yearly revenue and approximately 1 employee.
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: Arabic,Iraqi
Street: 426 W. Fourteen Mile Rd
City/Township: Clawson
State: MI
Zip Code: 48017
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 703 - 6565
Organization Name: Most Holy Trinity Parish
Organization Overview: Religious services daily in English and Spanish. A Parish of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit MI.
Cultures: All,American,Central American,Hispanic,Latin American,Mexican,Multicultural
Street: 1050 Porter St
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Zip Code: 48226
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 965-4450
Fax No: (313) 965-4453
Organization Name: Mother of Divine Mercy Church
Organization Overview: Mother of Divine Mercy parish gives witness to His message living out our Roman Catholic faith by serving our brothers and sisters from the heart of Detroit and beyond.
We invite you to explore what our parish has to offer!
Language: English,Latin,Polish
Cultures: All,Polish
Street: 4440 Russell St
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Zip Code: 48207
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 831-6659
Fax No: (313) 831-8522
Organization Name: Mother of God Chaldean Catholic Church
Language: Arabic,Chaldean,English
Cultures: Chaldean
Street: 25585 Berg Rd,
City/Township: Southfield
State: MI
Zip Code: 48033
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 356-0565
Fax No: (248) 356-5234
Organization Name: Mother of the Savior Church
Organization Overview: Protestant church in Dearborn.
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: All,American,Arabic
Street: 19100 Ford Rd
City/Township: Dearborn
State: MI
Zip Code: 48128
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 336-0036
Organization Name: Muslim Community Association of Ann Arbor and Vicinity
Organization Overview: MCA was founded in 1972 by a group of dedicated Muslims for the specific purpose of practicing, propagating and preserving Islam and Islamic heritage and to serve the needs of Muslims, be they, religious, social, cultural or educational.
The Center is registered with North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) as permanent Waqf for Ahl-u-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.
Aims and Objectives
1.To unite the Muslims of Ann Arbor and vicinity according to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah as understood by Ahl-u-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.
2.To represent and serve the interests of the Muslims of Ann Arbor and vicinity.
3.To propagate and disseminate Islam and Islamic heritage according to the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah as understood by Ahl-u-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.
4.To present Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims and to promote friendly relations and understanding between them.
5.To carry out religious, social, cultural or educational activities.
6.To develop service institutions to serve Islam and Muslims in this area.
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: All,Arabic
Street: 2301 Plymouth Rd
City/Township: Ann Arbor
State: MI
Zip Code: 48105
Country: USA
Phone: (734) 665-6772
Organization Name: Muslim Community of the Western Suburbs
Organization Overview: The MCWS was founded in 1977 as a group of young Muslims living in this area realized that as their toddlers grew older, they had to seriously think about their identity and place as American Muslims in the giant melting pot of the U.S.A. These parents were concerned as they saw the troubling situation of many Muslim families in the area who had lost their Islamic values and identities through lack of knowledge and practice of their deen. This was a future that these Muslim parents wished to avoid.
They took the challenge very seriously and resolved to create a stronger foundation for their children to maintain their Islamic identity and values. Along with this challenge was that of the parents’ own lack of knowledge of Islam. They realized that without a well-rooted understanding and practice of Islam themselves; they would be ill-equipped to impart the much-needed strong Islamic values to their own children. These parents, when growing up, were bound to the values and practices prevalent among their own societies, and were still part of a cultural milieu present at the time in their own countries. They felt the need to gain Islamic education in order to convey accurate Islamic values and ideals. These challenges had to be met, and thus, the young parents began the journey to where we are today.
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: All,Arabic
Street: 40440 Palmer Rd.
City/Township: Canton Township
State: MI
Zip Code: 48188
Country: USA
Phone: (734) 467-7704