Organization Name: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Organization Overview: “Love thy neighbor.” This is the rule we live by here at Holy Trinity.
For the many decades of our presence in the Lansing area, we have sought to build ties of love and cooperation with those around us. Every four years Holy Trinity hosts the Greater Lansing Interfaith Day, which for half a century has brought together people for dialogue and mutual enlightenment. In 2011 we hosted Mayor Virg Bernero’s “Love Wins” Interfaith Unity Fellowship in a show of support for our Muslim friends and neighbors. And in 2014 our parish hosted the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service of the Interfaith Clergy Association of Greater Lansing. We love God, and we love to express that love with the good neighbors God has given us in this beautiful metropolis.
Holy Trinity has been the spiritual nexus for some of the distinctive ethnic communities that make up the wonderful mosaic of diversity in our town. Our parish grew out of the small community of Greek immigrants to Lansing from 1900 onward. Our forebears were joined by Orthodox Christians of Lebanese, Macedonian, Serbian, Romanian, Armenian, and Bulgarian extraction, and most recently our community has been blessed by the addition of parishioners from Ethiopia and Eritrea, along with many others from roots in Western Europe and around the globe. We are truly a diverse community.
We love to share our heritage with our neighbors in Lansing, and above all by treating them to culinary treats from our traditions. Every year we host fundraising dinners like our Gyro Drive-Thru events, the Taste of Greece dinner, and the Athenian Luncheon and Bake Sale that the Philoptochos Ladies’ Society offers. Our sanctuary is open by appointment for visitors to receive a guided tour and learn more about the age-old treasures of Orthodox spirituality. Our guests enjoy especially the opportunity to see classic iconography from the hand of master iconographer George Filippakis of Crete and our stained glass windows by renowned French artist Gabriel Loire..
We maintain strong ties also with the other Orthodox churches around mid-Michigan; as the largest Orthodox parish in the area, Holy Trinity gladly hosts pan-Orthodox events. Our parish is under the spiritual leadership of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (in New York City), and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (in modern Istanbul). Through our parish, the people of Lansing have a ready connection to the oldest Christian tradition and to the communion of Orthodox believers around the globe.
Language: English,Greek
Cultures: American,Greek
Street: 1701 East Saginaw Street
City/Township: Lansing
State: MI
Zip Code: 48912
Country: USA
Phone: (517) 482-7341
Organization Name: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Language: English,Greek
Cultures: American,Greek
Street: 330 Lakeside Dr. NE
City/Township: Grand Rapids
State: MI
Zip Code: 49503
Country: USA
Phone: (616) 454-6563
Organization Name: Holly Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church
Organization Overview: All are Welcome
Parishioners are of all ages and ethnic backgrounds, some being Orthodox
all of their life as well as those who have made adult commitments to become Orthodox.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church is located at Eight Mile Road and Anglin Street
in Detroit, Michigan.
If you have questions about Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, please visit
our "contacts" section or attend one of our services.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever
In 1915 with the blessing of the late Metropolitan Alexander and the generous gift of ten lots by a real estate firm. Holy Trinity Church began. Founded by Russian immigrants, the first church was located in north Detroit at the intersection of Goddard and Meade. Its construction cost $25,000. The late Rev. Nicholas Godikoff (Goodrich) served as pastor for the first eight years.
In 1923, the late Metropolitan Platon assigned the late V. Rev. Averky Bondarchuk as pastor. A school/hall was built, a church school was started. and a parish home was added during the years at 12900 Goddard.
In 1933, as the membership grew. an addition was built onto the church and a new Iconostas was blessed. Various church organizations, such as the “R” Club, the Sisterhood, and the Brotherhood, were also instituted at this time. Additionally, a bell tower was built in the 1940’s.
However, after World War II, the expanding parish created a need for an even larger facility. So, in 1949, fifty-five lots on East Eight Mile Road between Anglin and Harned Streets in Detroit were purchased. Church bonds financed this project. The growing membership also created a need for two services: one in Slavonic and one in English. So, an assistant Pastor was added for English services, although Communion was only served during the Slavonic service.
Ground breaking for the new facilities was held on July 31, 1955. Construction began on the new church and rectory on August 22, 1955. Finally, in April of 1959, the structures were completed at the cost of $300,000. The first service was held on Pascha May 3, 1959.
The late V. Rev. Bondarchuk retired after 47 years as pastor in December of 1970. During the following two months, the late R. Rev. Father Manchuk served the parish by appointment of the late Archbishop John. The late V. Rev. Father Sam Sura served until July of 1972 when the late V. Rev. Father Andrew Woronovich became the new Pastor.
Under Father Woronovich, more improvements were made. A new Iconostas and altar were blessed and consecrated by the late Metropolitan Ireney. This ceremony included the placement of a relic of St. Herman of Alaska inside the altar.
Father Woronovich served Holy Trinity for twenty-five years until his retirement in July of 1997. The V. Rev. George Breyan then served as pastor for two years. The next pastor is the current priest, Rev. Father Lev Kopistiansky, who was assigned by Bishop Job in July of 1999. Other priests who have served at different times over the years include the R. Rev. Vitaly Bahanovich, the R. Rev. Basil Butchko. the late V. Rev. Walter Diachenko, the late V. Rev. Stephen Rusiniak, the Protopresbyter Daniel Hubiak. and the R. Rev. John Washchek.
Father Lev Kopistiansky has set goals for Holy Trinity’s congregation to strive toward at the onset of this new century. Spiritual growth, worship, education, and financial solvency are the intertwining pathways that are of major focus. Remembering and visiting shut-ins, adult education, the church school program, building improvements, the financial support of seminarians, charity projects, and the establishment of the Frank and Mary Kovach Award for the church school are just some of the examples of the growth mid development necessary to attain these goals.
Throughout these last 96 years and with the many changes which have occurred, Holy Trinity Church continues to pray that God will continue to bless us, make our parish a place of spiritual enlightenment, a place of spiritual repose, and a source of spiritual strength. We also ask that our love for Him and one another keep growing to allow us to continue to come together to do good works. Finally, we ask that we continue to go forward successfully, as we grow in wisdom, knowledge and insight.
Language: English,Serbian
Cultures: Serbian
Street: 20500 Anglin St,
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Zip Code: 48234
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 366-0677
Organization Name: Hope Lutheran Church الكنيسة اللوثرية الأمل
Organization Overview: "Speaking the Truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ." Ephesians 4:15
To understand a church on earth, you must understand its members, because after all, we are the church.
Hope Lutheran Church in Warren, Michigan is a growing congregation of Missouri Synod Lutherans who number approximately 1000 souls. We are forgiven in the blood of Jesus Christ and strive to please our Lord in all we say and do.
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: All,American,Arabic
Street: 32400 Hoover Rd.
City/Township: Warren
State: MI
Zip Code: 48093
Country: USA
Phone: 716) 381 – 1301
Organization Name: Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church
Organization Overview: The Ukrainian Catholic Church is the largest Eastern Catholic Church of its own law (Ecclesia sui juris). It belongs to the group of Churches of the Byzantine rite which are in mutual communion with the Roman Hierarch and acknowledge his spiritual and jurisdictional authority. In this context “rite” means the liturgical, theological, spiritual and legal inheritance. Names which are used to define the Ukrainian Catholic Church: Union Church, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church; Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Byzantine rite, and Kyivan Catholic Church.
Today our parish continues its educational ministry trough Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools. The parish has a wonderful choir, a youth prayer group “Youth for Christ”, Ladies Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and " The Fatima prayer Group" that makes major contributions to the life of the parish and its spiritual development. The Ladies from our 'White House' continue to make the most delicious Varenyky and have them for sale at the Parish rectory" the proceeds from the Varenyly are a major financial contribution for our Parochial Schools.
Українська Католицька Церква (УКЦ), - одна з чотирьох традиційних українських Церков – спадкоємиць Володимирового хрещення, що налічує біля шести мільйонів вірних в усіх регіонах України та на шести континентах світу; є найбільшою Східною Католицькою самоуправною Церквою (Ecclesia sui juris); зберігає візантійсько- український обряд, тобто - літургічне, богословське, духовне та правове насліддя; перебуває у повному сопричасті зі Вселенським Архиєреєм – Папою Римським і визнає його духовну та юрисдикційну владу; прагне до відновлення первісної єдності Київської Церкви; твердо й послідовно відстоює право українського народу на свою незалежну соборну державу та становлення в ній зрілого громадянського суспільства; реалізує велику кількість благодійних та громадських проектів в Амеріці, в Україні та поза її межами.
Протягом багатьох років при парафії діє школа Непорочного Зачаття, де формується поколіннями національна свідомість, плекається любов до традицій, мови, культури та
Language: English,Ukrainian
Cultures: Ukrainian
Street: 11700 McDougall St,
City/Township: Hamtramck
State: MI
Zip Code: 48212
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 893-1710
Organization Name: Immaculate Heart of Mary, Grand Rapids
Organization Overview: Our Mission
Seeking to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, we reach out in Christian service to our families, our parish, our community and our world. We value our Catholic beliefs and nurture our continual growth and faith renewal. We strive to be a welcoming, vibrant Christ-centered community of believers that acknowledges and embraces the diversity of our parish family. Our parish life is centered in the celebration of the Word and of the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to be stewards of our time, talent and treasure for the sake of building up the Reign of God.
Language: Croatian,English
Cultures: All,American,Croatian
Street: 1935 Plymouth Ave. SE
City/Township: Grand Rapids
State: MI
Zip Code: 49506
Country: USA
Phone: (616 )241-4477
Fax No: (616) 241-2832
Organization Name: International Friendship Center - Administrative
Organization Overview: The Michigan Ethnic Friendship Center provides a place where individuals of different nationalities can join together, learn new skills, and build new relationships.
If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering or attending classes, you can contact POBLO International Ministries at: (313) 563-2051.
Language: Arabic,English,Hindi,Punjabi,Spanish,Urdu
Cultures: All,Arabic,Asian,Bangaladeshi,Hispanic,Indian,Pakistani
Street: 35555 Garfield Road, Suite 7
City/Township: Clinton Township
State: Michigan
Zip Code: 48035
Country: USA
Phone: (586) 477-1530
Fax No: (586) 477-1548
Organization Name: International Hope Center (IHC)
Organization Overview: International Hope Center is based in the city of Hamtramck, which is located in the heart of Detroit, MI. Hamtramck is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the nation with over 20 languages spoken in its 2.1 sq. mile borders. Hamtramck mirrors the direction of our nation. Increasingly, the U.S. is becoming a multi-cultural, multi-religious and urban society. The purpose of the International Hope Center is to challenge the church to reach out cross-culturally and into urban centers both in the US and abroad.
Language: English,Spanish
Cultures: All,American,Multicultural
Street: 12101 Joseph Compau
City/Township: Hamtramck
State: MI
Zip Code: 48212
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 570-9201
Organization Name: Buddhist International Peace Temple
Language: Bengali,English
Cultures: Bangaladeshi
Street: 13103 Mcdougall Street
City/Township: Hamtramck
State: MI
Zip Code: 48212
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 459-1908
Organization Name: Islamic Association of Greater Detroit
Organization Overview: IAGD is a non-profit organization established in 1978. IAGD seeks to provide religious, educational and social services to Muslims living in the Greater Detroit area and to convey the message of Islam to the community in this region.
Language: Arabic,English,Urdu
Cultures: All,Pakistani
Street: 879 W Auburn Rd
City/Township: Rochester Hills
State: MI
Zip Code: 48307
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 852-9345
Organization Name: Islamic Association of Greater Detroit (IAGD)
Organization Overview: As’salamu alaikum.
When we embarked on this journey, we knew the road would be difficult, but we never imagined that it would be impossible.
As the northern suburbs grew, so did the number of Muslims seeking a sense of community. Groups gathered in private homes for Islamic study and prayers. The existing Masjids were too far away to attend regularly and the need for a local Masjid was imperative. In April 1978, with thirty member families, the Islamic Association of Greater Detroit was established as a non-profit organization.
Initially, the organization continued to meet in homes and also rented space in Larson Middle School for lectures and community dinners. In just one year, vigorous fund-raising accomplished purchasing a three-acre parcel of land. The property included a small blue house and garage which were immediately put to use as a home for the community. By 1982, the plans and continued fund-raising made the construction of the IAGD masjid a reality.
Once built, the IAGD masjid became a focal point for Muslims in the area, and the gatherings grew. Sunday Islamic classes, monthly community dinners and ’Eid salat burgeoned. As the surrounding suburbs grew, so had the number of Muslims who chose to move near the Masjid and to make it a cornerstone in their lives.
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: Arabic,Multicultural
Street: 879 W Auburn Rd,
City/Township: Rochester Hills
State: MI
Zip Code: 48307
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 852-5657
Organization Name: Islamic Center of Detroit
Organization Overview: The Islamic Center of Detroit (ICD) was officially opened to public on the EID Al-FITER of year 2000. Since then, the ICD has been moving forward towards expansions, and working on new projects that will benefit Muslims in the Detroit metro area.
Language: American Sign Language,Arabic,English,French
Cultures: African,All,Arabic,Multicultural,West African
Street: 14350 Tireman
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Zip Code: 48228
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 584-4143
Fax No: (313) 584-3435
Organization Name: Islamic Center of Greater Toledo
Organization Overview: The magnificent building of the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo sits at the edge of Interstate 75 and at the entrance to Toledo and symbolizes the diversity that has come to characterize our city.
Members from 23 nationalities attend the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo, but its main claim to fame is its equal and vibrant representation of women and the democratic and constitutional processes that the Center diligently follows.
The Islamic Center of Greater Toledo is a birth-to-death resource; it has a full-time Islamic School on its premises and it provides a variety of religious, educational and cultural activities for its members and for the greater Toledo community.
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: All,Arabic
Street: 25877 Scheider Road
City/Township: Toledo
State: OH
Zip Code: 43551
Country: USA
Phone: (419) 874-3509
Fax No: (419) 874-9123
Organization Name: المركز الإسلامي في ماونت بلزنت بولاية متشغن Islamic Center of Mt. Pleasant
Organization Overview: The Islamic Center of Mount Pleasant (ICMP) is the only Islamic center in central and north Michigan State. The center was established in the 1980s by a group of Muslim students under the umbrella of the Muslim Student Association (MSA).
The ICMP conducts various religious, educational and social activities on a continuous basis throughout the year, such as daily and weekly prayers, dinners and BBQs, Arabic and Islamic lessons, and recreational sport matches.
The ICMP and MSA's two main goals are to bring the Muslim community closer together and educate the non-Muslims about Islam. They also strive to create harmony between all religions and faiths, and establish a strong sense of community between the residents of Mount Pleasant.
The center is open for all Muslim and non-Muslim community members, and welcomes all the students of CMU and the visitors of the town too.
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: Multicultural
Street: 907 McVey St
City/Township: Mount Pleasant
State: MI
Zip Code: 48858
Country: USA
Phone: (989) 773-2545
Organization Name: Islamic Center of Southfield مسجد نور آل الإيمان
Organization Overview: “Abu Huraira said:
When anyone amongst you wakes up from sleep, he must not put his hand in the utensil till he has washed it three times, for he does not know where his hand was during the night.”
— (Sahih Muslim, Book 2, Hadith 109)
Language: Arabic,English
Cultures: Arabic
Street: 21711 W 10 Mile Rd
City/Township: Southfield
State: MI
Zip Code: 48075
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 905-1275