Cultural & Artistic Activities

Organization Name:  Israeli Dancing of Ann Arbor
Organization Overview:  Welcome to Israeli Dancing of Ann Arbor! Who are we? We are a group of Israeli dance lovers from Ann Arbor, West Bloomfield and the greater Detroit area. We meet every Thursday evening at 7:30 PM for two and a half hours of fun, music and dance. The dancers’ ages vary between 8 and 88. Among the dancers are students, professors, locals, and visitors from all over the world. We welcome beginners, intermediate and advanced dancers of all ages!
Language:  English,Hebrew
Cultures:  Israeli
Street:  2935 Birch Hollow Dr.
City/Township:  Ann Arbor
State:  Michigan
Zip Code:  48108
Country:  USA
Phone:  (734) 395-4223
Fax No:  (734) 677-0109
Organization Overview:  The Italian Heritage Society is dedicated to the preservation, awareness and community education of the arts, culture and history of Italy. Their presence here in Michigan provides a great value and service to not only Americans of Italian descent, but also the entire diverse population of Detroit and the entire state.
Language:  English,Italian
Cultures:  Italian
Country:  USA
Phone:  (313) 886-6894
Fax No:  (313) 886-4509
Organization Name:  Italy Con Noi television
Organization Overview:  About Us Pino Marelli born in Bari, Italy son of a classic musician. He studied music at the Giuseppe Verdi Consevatory in Milan. From there he traveled the world predominately in the Mediterranean and Caribbean entertaining on cruise ships with Costa Cruise Lines. This background enabled him to learn several languages resulting in performances vibrant in Italian, English and Spanish. Before moving to the US, Marelli lived in Milan where he worked as both a musician and a middle-school teacher. He continues to be a mentor to many around him and introduces international music to new audiences whenever he has the opportunity. A perfectionist about many things, including his music, colleagues consider him one of the most serious musicians they know. When Marelli moved his family to the United States in 1987 he began Marelli Productions Inc., PM Records, and MG Entertainment. He is the founder of the Puglia Club of Michigan, which is the region he is from, and was part of the Italian Comites in Detroit. He believes the problem with the world is communication, and that people don't listen to each other, and that music is a universal language. "People listen to music no matter what language they speak, and music can help educate people." Currently Marelli has released through PM Records 12 CD's, Videos, and 10 cassettes all featuring himself. He has produced other Italian and American artists,TV Show ITALY CON NOI, and he is singer, song writer, and composer. He has produced and hosted television and radio for the past 22 years in Michigan and most recently in southwestern Florida. Pino continues to travel around the country doing Italian Festivals, weddings, private partys and any occasion that will give him the opportunity to be able to bring a smile to a faced and add some warmth to a heart. His disc geography spans two continents, but his popularity reaches farther. His good looks, soft spoken charm and quick humor delight everyone he meets. Mission: My mission is to create an evening of unforgettable entertainment for all ages, whether performing American favorites, Spanish, or Italian songs. The European based of my international music is a unique sound appealing to a diverse number of people. Blending contemporary and traditional styles, toe-tappers and showstoppers. From fund raisers to festivals the band focus is on high energy dance music with mixes in Caribbean salsa and calypso. Shows by my duo have the same sense of fun while placing a greater emphasis on beautiful romantic ballads appropriate to formal or intimate occasions. When your planning your next party ( wedding, festival, club function, dinner dance or holiday party) we have the entertainment you'll need to make it a success. Whether your looking for a Band, Solo, Trio, or DJ, any kind of music in Italian, English or Spanish.
Language:  English,Italian
Cultures:  Italian
Street:  2598 Portobello
City/Township:  Troy
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48083
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 524-9281
Fax No:  (248) 619-0279
Organization Name:  Jamaican Association of Michigan
Organization Overview:  The Jamaican Association of Michigan (JAM) began as a social club in 1995 and served to bring Jamaicans in the Metropolitan Detroit area together to engage in cultural activities indigenous to Jamaica and the Caribbean. It was shortly thereafter recognized that the association could not solely focus on Jamaicans but must also serve the community in which its members reside. Today, JAM is an IRS certified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Its goal is to bridge the cultural gap between US & Jamaicans.
Language:  English
Cultures:  Afro-Caribbean,Caribbean,Jamaican
Street:  P.O. Box 44593
City/Township:  Detroit
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48224
Country:  USA
Phone:  (313) 720-5637
Organization Overview:  JAS is a nonprofit, nonpolitical organization with a membership of individuals and corporations. The Society is dedicated to strengthening the ties of friendship between the Japanese people and the citizens of the Greater Detroit and Windsor area and to assist in developing a common understanding of economic, political and cultural diversity.
Language:  English,Japanese
Cultures:  Japanese
Street:  One Woodward Avenue PO Box 33840
City/Township:  Detroit
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48232-0840
Country:  USA
Phone:  (313) 596-0484
Fax No:  (313) 964-0531
Organization Overview:  JSDウィメンズクラブについて ウィメンズクラブは、 地元コミュニティーに対して色々な形で日本を紹介し、日本への理解を深めてもらう、 ミシガン在住の女性たちが情報を交換し、お互いを助け合い、生活をより安全に楽しめるように支えるとういうことを目的として、 1991年5月に発足しました。 発足以来、最も重要な活動として位置づけている地域交流は、日本文化紹介を、地元の学校や地域団体の要請に応じて精力的に実施しています。 私たちは、これらのボランティア活動に参加することにより、自身も色々と学び、価値を高めながら、国境を越えた友人の輪を広げています。 また、同好会活動も活発で、会員同士の楽しい集いの場になっています。 *女性コーラスTrilliumは、年2回のコンサート他、地域交流活動として日本の歌を紹介しています。 *カンガルークラブは主に幼稚園入園前のお子さんを持つお母さんの会で、月2回集まって親子で色々な企画を楽しんでいます。 *ブリッジ同好会は週1回の例会や勉強会を行い、初心者からベテランまでそれぞれの技量に応じて楽しく活動しています。 2011年に創立20周年を記念してロゴを作りました。ミシガン州の花であるApple Blossomを基本モチーフにして、真中には「繫がりと連結」を コンセプトとして人の輪が描かれています。 ホームページの左上をご覧下さい。 このロゴに象徴されるように 私たちは人の輪(和)を大切に活動しています。 インターネットが発達し、情報は人に頼らなくても無限に入手できるようになりました。しかし、同じインターネットのお陰で、私たち人間にとって とても大切な人と人との繋がりが希薄になっている事も事実です。地域交流は対外的な「人と人」の交流、同好会活動は 私たち仲間同士「人と人」の交流です。 ウィメンズクラブの基本理念である「人と人との交流の場」に、是非ご参加ください。 [主な活動内容] 新しく来られた方々のための、生活オリエンテーションと話し合いの集い 海外生活者の適応の問題、その他の身近な問題をテーマとした講演会 同好会活動 地域交流活動 会員の親睦と情報交換のための催し(バスツアー、クリスマスパーティー、月刊「JSDウィメンズ・クラブだより」の発行、地域別茶話会、 グローサリー・ツアー、ゴルフ講習会、ズンバ体験教室など) チャリティ募金集め、および活動資金作り(ベークセール、バザーなど) Are you and your friends interested in Japan and Japanese culture? It is our great pleasure to come and share some traditional aspects of our culture with you. We have been providing cultural event support service for two decades as a non-profit organization. Our goal is to promote and spread awareness of Japanese culture so that people can experience and enjoy our heritage. If you have an event at which you would like support, please download and complete the request form and return it to the e-mail address shown below. We will then contact you and make arrangements. We try our best to meet all requests, however, sometimes we are unable to present all the program items requested, or are unable to accommodate dates due to conflicts with our schedules. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you to make your next cultural event a success.
Language:  English,Japanese
Cultures:  Japanese
Street:  3000 Town Center, Suite 606
City/Township:  Southfield
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48075
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 355-4899
Fax No:  (248) 355-5799
Organization Overview:  Thank you for visiting the English language webpage of the Japanese School of Detroit (JSD). We hope that this site will help you understand our school and Japanese students as well as their cultural background. 現在、約5万人の義務教育段階の日本の子どもたちが、海外で生活しています。   そのうち約1万7千人が補習授業校で学んでいます。 補習授業校は現地の学校に通学する子どもたちに対し、主として土曜日を利用して国内の学校の一部の教科について授業を行う教育施設です。 アメリカはミシガン州の五大湖の畔、「デトロイトりんご会補習授業校」もその一つで、その名前は、ミシガン州の州の花「りんご」に由来します。  約800名の子どもたち(幼稚園児・小学生・中学生・高校生)が毎週土曜日に集い、 国語を中心に算数(数学)・社会・理科などの授業に楽しく取り組んでいます。 子どもたちにとって、現地の学校と補習授業校の両立は大変ですが、理事会や学校運営委員会をはじめ、 現地採用の教職員や保護者の皆さんに支えられながら、子どもたちは元気に登校しています。 私たちは、世界に誇るデトロイトりんご会の協力体制のもと、2つの学校で学ぶ子どもたちの苦労と経験が21世紀の国際人につながると信じ、 「わかる授業、友と楽しく通う補習授業校」を目指し、頑張っていきたいと思います。 感想・質問・提言等、気軽にご意見をお寄せください。お待ちしています。
Language:  English,Japanese
Cultures:  Japanese
Street:  25345 Taft Rd.
City/Township:  Novi
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48374
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 946-4697
Fax No:  (248) 946-4698
Organization Name:  Jewish Community Center
Organization Overview:  
Language:  English
Cultures:  All,American,Jewish
Street:  6600 W. Maple Rd
City/Township:  West Bloomfield
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48322
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 661-1000
Organization Name:  Jewish Theater of Grand Rapids
Organization Overview:  Judy Subar began her love of theatre as a teenager, participating in numerous Community theatre organizations. Years ago, when both the Ahavas Israel Sisterhood and Grand Rapids Hadassah chapter were active, Judy was very involved in writing and producing (short) plays and skits for the Jewish community. As an adult, she was an avid reader of both the monthly Hadassah Magazine and the weekly newspaper The Forward (an American newspaper published in NYC for a Jewish American audience which began publishing in 1897 in Yiddish under the name Forverts.) In these publications she read about the professional Jewish plays that were being written and performed in New York (some on Broadway), and other cities. For many years she collected these news articles. One day in 1992 she bumped into Don Herman, who inquired what she had been up to. Judy told him about how she had been collecting all this information about Jewish plays being performed throughout the U.S. and was thinking about doing something similar in Grand Rapids. Don was intrigued; so they decided to get together and brainstorm, which they did over coffee at Arnie's Restaurant in Breton Village. Judy brought all her clippings. Moving forward they brought in Judy Krell (Judy Subar's sister-in-law), known for her organizational skills, and Linda Albert, a good friend of Judy's who had helped to direct a play at EGR High School and was known for her expertise in communication. Judy Subar has been keeping Scrapbooks about JTGR since 1992. They reside at the Jewish Community Archives at Temple Emanuel. The four of them met in Don Herman's living room... and that is how it all began. They decided to hold the plays at Congregation Ahavas Israel, since they had a stage and a curtain. One of the first plays performed during the inaugural 1994-95 season was a Reader's Theatre production The World of Sholom Aleichem, adapted by Linda Albert. Judy remembers, "We stood in front of the curtains. We stood in front of music stands with our scripts in front of us...and we told some of the stories of Sholom Aleichem. We had a nice crowd for an audience. It was an evening performance with dessert. Things went well for what it was." Four shows are listed on the roster for JTGR's first season. Some of the early productions were also performed at Temple Emanuel on their Bema. One of the early plays, performed in the third season (1996-97) was "This Reminds Me of a Story (What Jewish Humor Says About the Jews)," written by Don Herman. Due to difficulties scheduling shows around Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Jewish holiday schedules, it was around this time that Don spoke with Fred Sebulske about renting space at Spectrum Theater. No one had ever done that before. But Fred said "yes" and so JTGR's relationship with Spectrum Theater began. Now JTGR had access to morepowerful lighting, a sound system, and many other things not available at the Synagogue or Temple. It was the beginning of JTGR becoming a REAL theatrical company. A Board of Directors was formed. Don Herman was the first President. He served in that role for many years and was instrumental in helping to mold JTGR into what it is today. Cheryl Currier was our first Administrative Director. After Don stepped down, other community members have served as JTGR Presidents, adding their knowledge and expertise and helping the organization continue to grow. These include Dr. Jeffrey Frank, Lori Jacobs, and JTGR's current dynamic president, Leonard Robinson who is in his 10th year as JTGR Board President. Many more have donated their time and energy to Jewish Theatre Grand Rapids, serving on the board, selecting the plays that will be presented, helping with productions. Being Jewish is not a requirement to volunteer! We have many volunteers from other faiths. There is always room for more people! Visit our Volunteer page if you would like join the fun. Jewish Theatre has had many growing pains over the years. But we have come a long way in the last 20+ years. We should be proud of ourselves that in a community the size of Grand Rapids we have been able to continue to present shows with a Jewish connection that appeal to people of ALL faiths. (Remember - You don't have to be Jewish to love Jewish Theatre). Many Jewish Theatres across the country are struggling or have folded. Grand Rapids is truly blessed. Please help to ensure that JTGR keeps the lights on...attend a performance, subscribe, and support JTGR with your dollars!
Language:  English
Cultures:  Jewish
Street:  2727 Michigan St. NE
City/Township:  Grand Rapids
State:  MI
Zip Code:  49506
Country:  USA
Phone:  (616) 234-3595
Organization Overview:  Kay-Chinese School (Plymouth-Canton Chinese Learning Center) is a Chinese school is located in Plymouth. 凯 - 中国学校(普利茅斯广中国学习中心)是中国学校位于普利茅斯。 Plymouth-Canton Chinese Learning Center is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious educational organization. The objectives of the school are to teach Chinese language and to promote Chinese culture. The school teaches Mandarin Chinese with Pinyin and simplified character. 普利茅斯广中国的学习中心是一个非盈利,非政治性和非宗教教育机构。学校的目标是教中国语言和宣传中国文化。这所学校教普通话与中国拼音简体字
Language:  Mandarin Chinese,English,Mandarin Chinese
Cultures:  Chinese
Street:  43065 Joy Rd
City/Township:  Canton Township
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48170
Country:  USA
Organization Name:  Karbalaa Islamic Education Center
Organization Overview:  The Karbala Education Center is located along a busy commercial strip in the heart of a thriving Middle Eastern community in Dearborn, a middle-class suburb of Detroit. The strip is lined with numerous Middle Eastern restaurants, bakeries, clothing stores, and markets selling Halal meat. The Karbala Islamic Education Center, housed in a former nightclub that had been damaged by fire, contains approximately 10,000 square feet of space that have been converted into a prayer room, offices, an all-purpose meeting room, an audio-visual room, kitchen, and an area to hold a weekend school for children. It is run by Imam Husham Al-Husainy and other community members.
Language:  Arabic,English
Cultures:  Arabic,Iraqi,Lebanese
Street:  15332 W. Warren Ave.
City/Township:  Dearborn
State:  Michigan
Zip Code:  48126
Country:  USA
Phone:  (313) 729-8035
Organization Name:  Kilgore Scottish Centre
Organization Overview:  The Kilgour Centre, with a unique and warm atmosphere, is an elegant venue for all your social and special functions including: weddings, anniversaries, showers, funerals, luncheons and other special events!
Language:  English
Cultures:  Scottish
Street:  2360 Rochester Ct.
City/Township:  Troy
State:  Michigan
Zip Code:  48083
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 526-1849
Organization Overview:  The Korean American Cultural Center of Michigan (KACCM) was founded in 1965 to help Korean immigrants adjust to the culture in Michigan. KACCM registered as a non-profit organization in 2002 and moved into its current location, 24666 Northwestern Highway, Southfield, Michigan 48075 (website: The mission of the KACCM organization is to provide the Korean community in Michigan with a variety of Korean cultural activities, cultural exchange events, health-promotion programs, education and counseling services to promote the quality of life and mutual understanding of cultural differences. KACCM is proud to hold three signature events annually for the cultural enrichment of the Korean American community: the Danoh Festival, the Health Seminar Series, and the Korean Traditional Art Festival. The Danoh Festival is held annually to celebrate Korean holiday that featured food, games, art contest, and entertainment that is open to the public. The Danoh festival also features an art exhibition which showcases classical Korean dance, art and cuisine. This celebration unites the Korean American community with the local community in Michigan by sharing a cultural holiday, fostering a shared appreciation for cultural differences. Students from Korean community and from the community at large participate in “Art Contest” at the site. The topic of the contest is Korean culture, clothing, language, scenery, and people. KACCM also holds its Health Seminar Series to promote health awareness in the Korean community. KACCM art class students and teachers perform at the annual Korean Traditional Art Festival. The KACCM organization also serves the community in Michigan with a variety of year-round services and culturally-enriching programs. Some established programs are Korean translation services for hospitals and courtrooms for people who need assistance interpreting important medical information at hospitals and legal information, KSL (Korean as a second language, Hangul School) teaches Korean culture by exposing participants to Korean cuisine, the Korean language (written and spoken), ESL (English as a second language) teaches English to Korean to adapt smoothly their foreign environment. Especially there are many classes to teach traditional Korean janggoban instrument, samulnori, dance, gayaegum instrument, art and painting class that combines Western and Korean art. All lessons are for the beginner, intermediate and advanced students, and the KACCM classes are open to public.
Language:  English,Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  55113 Shelby Rd.
City/Township:  Shelby Township
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48316
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 342-8003
Organization Overview:  The vision of the Detroit Conference of The United Methodist Church is to create and nurture dynamic and fruitful congregations who make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 연합 감리 교회 디트로이트 회의의 비전은 세계의 변화에 대한 예수 그리스도의 제자를 만드는 역동적이고 유익한 교회를 생성하고 육성하는 것입니다.
Language:  Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  500 West Gardenia St.
City/Township:  Madison Heights
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48071
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 545-5554
Organization Overview:  등록절차.png 가. 임시등록 처음 오시는 분들은 교회 정문에 있는 새가족부의 안내로 임시 교인 등록을 하시길 바랍니다. 신앙의 성장을 원하신다면 필히 등록하셔서 담당 속회들의 은혜로운 신앙지도를 받으시고, 많은 교인들과 함께 성도의 교제를 나누시길 바랍니다. 나. 속회등록 새가족부의 안내를 받아 각 속회로 편입하시길 바랍니다. 각 속회에 소속이 되셔서 정기적인 속회모임을 통하여 말씀의 훈련과 사랑의 교제를 나누시길 바랍니다. 또한 정기적으로 있는 새교우 환영회를 통하여 서로 풍성한 교제를 나누는 시간을 가지게 됩니다.
Language:  Korean
Cultures:  Korean
Street:  1526 Franklin St
City/Township:  Ann Arbor
State:  MI
Country:  USA
Phone:  (734) 662-0660
Fax No:  (734) 998-1483

Additional information