Cultural & Artistic Activities

Organization Overview:  CAPA unites Asian Pacific Americans and the community at-large through culture, education, and community service.
Language:  English
Cultures:  Asian,Chinese,Filipino,Indian,Japanese,Korean,Multicultural,Pacific Islander,Taiwanese
Street:  P.O. Box 407
City/Township:  Northville
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48167
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 745-5696
Organization Overview:  CAPA unites Asian Pacific Americans and the community at large through culture, education, and community service. CAPA welcomes all people who embrace its purpose to join as members and it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, citizenship, ethnicity, sexual orientation, veteran status, age, or sex.
Language:  English
Cultures:  All,Asian,Pacific Islander,South Pacific
Street:  1654 Woodgate Drive
City/Township:  Troy
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48083
Country:  USA
Phone:  248-854-7446
Organization Name:  Detroit Swiss Society
Organization Overview:  The Detroit Swiss Society was founded over 140 years ago when a group of patriotic Swiss united and founded the Gruetli Verein on August 4, 1868. They named themselves the Gruetli Verein of Detroit. Detroit was then just a good-sized village with plenty of forest, wild life and farms. Its members dedicated themselves to assisting each other in times of need, both materially and spiritually.
Language:  English,German
Cultures:  Swiss
Street:  c/o Carpathian Club, 38000 Utica Road
City/Township:  Sterling Heights
State:  MIchigan
Zip Code:  48312
Country:  USA
Phone:  (734) 648-0831
Organization Name:  Detroit Telugu Association
Organization Overview:  Detroit Telugu Association was formed in 1976 to serve the Telugu community in Michigan. Our Vision: To promote Telugu culture by facilitating communication and interaction within our membership and also play an active role in contributing to the welfare of the communities around us. Membership is open to all those interested in the activities and functions of DTA. The DTA members are defined as those who paid the annual dues as specified in the By Laws. Membership includes husband, wife and dependent youth over 18 years of age. All such members constitute the General Body of DTA. ఏదేశమేగినా ఎందుకాలిడిన ఏపీఠమెక్కినా, ఎవ్వరేమనిన పొగడరా నీ తల్లి భూమి భారతిని నిలుపరా నీ జాతి నిండు గౌరవము Detroit Telugu Association (DTA) was formed in 1976 as a non-profit organization with the following objectives: To encourage and promote the religious, and cultural functions of the Telugu community. To invite and honor literary, scientific, and religious dignitaries of interest to the DTA members. To promote better communication among the DTA members. To act as an agency to collect donations for educational and socio-economical development of the needy, and transfer funds to charities. To organize other functions as required, which will involve the participation of the DTA member
Language:  English,Telugu
Cultures:  Indian
State:  MI
Country:  USA
Organization Overview:  E'rootha, the Chaldean Assyrian Syriac Youth Union, through cultural awareness, community service and education, is dedicated to promoting the well-being of our community for the betterment of society.
Language:  Arabic,Chaldean,English
Cultures:  Arabic,Chaldean,Iraqi
Street:  P.O. Box 4961
City/Township:  Troy
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48099
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 270-8390
Organization Overview:  The Ecumenical Center and International Residence (ECIR) is an intentional living-learning community for students and visiting scholars from around the world. ECIR seeks to be a community of friendship and respect in which persons from many different countries, cultures, religions, political perspectives, and vocational interests may learn from one another through social interaction and educational programming. ECIR is a home-away-from-home for students from nearly 60 different countries, including the U.S., each year, as well as a program of hospitality, global understanding, justice, and peacemaking. Our programs reach out to university students in the greater Ann Arbor community and also provide opportunities for congregations, organizations, and individuals through SE Michigan.
Language:  English
Cultures:  All,American,Multicultural
Street:  (734) 662-5529
City/Township:  Ann Arbor
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48104
Country:  USA
Phone:  (734) 662-5529
Fax No:  (734) 662-3580
Organization Name:  Fantasia Ballet Folklorico
Organization Overview:  Mission Statement Fantasia Ballet Folklorico objective and goal is to promote and increase the social conscience of others with respect to the cultural contributions made by Hispanics, especially in the fine art of dance Description Fantasia Ballet Folklorico also endeavors to motivate, build self-esteem, develop discipline, and promote a sense of pride and self-respect among the dancers along with a deeper understanding of their cultural heritage.
Language:  English,Spanish
Cultures:  Hispanic
City/Township:  Lansing
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48901, 48909, 48980
Country:  USA
Phone:  (517) 887-8219
Organization Overview:  To work with all Sicilian Clubs by sharing and promoting one another's events, promote the Italian language, cultural events, and create a dialogue with the Regione Siciliana, as well as , working with the Italian Consulate in Detroit and COM.IT.ES.
Language:  English,Italian
Cultures:  Italian
Street:  8903 Inverness Drive
City/Township:  Washington Township
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48095
Country:  USA
Phone:  (586)206-5185
Fax No:  (586)792-8050
Organization Overview:  More than 60 Michigan Regular and Affiliated Members have made the decision to be PARTNERS with the Filipino American Community Council of Michigan (FILAMCCO). FILAMCCO’s important objective is to provide a forum or information to achieve unity, understanding and cooperation among organizations. One way is through our newly established FILAMCCO monthly e-Newsletter. The monthly edition is here to support organization’s individual events and activities by providing the key source of the communicational and promotional gateway for the Michigan Filipino community. In addition, the FILAMCCO e-Newsletter will automatically update the calendar events for all organizations to resolve conflicting dates of activities in the Filipino community. Staring on March 1, 2012, FILAMCCO regular members will have access to the new interactive FILAMCCO website. This new site will allow organizations to control their own pages, list their board of directors, update their events and activities, and share their mission statement. If needed, FILAMCCO’s tech team will assist organizations with website training during the rollout period. Your opinion matters—we want to know how we’re doing and what’s on your mind. To offer us a benefit or service idea, send an e-mail directly to Willie Dechavez, FILAMCCO PRO or Jeanette Tanafranca, FILAMCCO Corresponding Secretary and e-Newsletter editor-in-chief, Also, if you have a question or concern about FILAMCCO, please contact me by e-mail at In closing, we encourage all partners of FILAMCCO to share your organizational news and forthcoming events so we can include them in our next issue.
Language:  English
Cultures:  American,Filipino
State:  Michigan
Country:  USA
Organization Name:  Finnish American Heritage Center
Organization Overview:  Since its grand opening in 1990, Finlandia University's Finnish American Heritage Center has become a community focal point and a national center, offering a multitude of exhibits, lectures, plays, musical programs and community events each year. The building is a popular stop for tourists. Finnish immigrants dreamed of an institution that would provide religious education, perpetuate the Finnish language and preserve their experience in North America. Suomi College (now Finlandia University) built in 1896, is the realization of that dream, and the only remaining North American institution of higher learning founded by Finnish Americans. Amerikansuomalaisen Perinnekeskuksen avajaiset pidettiin vuoden 1990 FinnFestin yhteydessä. Perinnekeskus on osa Finlandia University'iä, jonka monet tuntevat vanhalla nimellään: Suomi College. Perustamisestaan lähtien perinnekeskuksen tiloissa on ollut auditorio, taidegalleria ja Amerikansuomalainen Historiallinen Arkisto. Perinnekeskus on samalla paikallinen- että kansallinen keskus, jossa pidetään taidenäyttelyitä, teatteri- ja musiikkiohjelmia, luentotilaisuuksia sekä lukuisia yhteisöllisiä tapahtumia. Rakennus on myös suosittu pysähtymispaikka turisteille ja koululaisille. Tultuaan Yhdysvaltoihin suomalaiset siirtolaiset unelmoivat omasta instituutiosta, joka tarjoaisi uskonnollista opetusta, pitäisi suomen kieltä ja kulttuuria yllä ja säilyttäisi amerikansuomalaisten omaa perinnettä. Suomi College (nykyään Finlandia University), joka perustettiin vuonna 1896, oli noiden unelmien todellistuma. Se on ainoa amerikansuomalaisten perustama korkeakoulu Yhdysvalloissa. Perinnekeskuksessa sijaitsevat Amerikansuomalainen Historiallinen Arkisto, "The Finnish American Reporter" -sanomalehti, taidegalleria ja auditorio ovat amerikansuomalaisen yhteisön linkki kulttuuriinsa ja Suomeen. Perinnekeskuksen asiakkaat ovat lähinnä opiskelijoita, eri alojen tutkijoita, sukututkijoita ja arvovieraita. Lukuisiin perinnekeskuksessa vierailleisiin arvovieraisiin ovat kuuluneet
Language:  English,Finnish
Cultures:  Finnish
Street:  435 Quincy St; Hancock
City/Township:  Other
State:  MI
Zip Code:  49930
Country:  USA
Phone:  (906) 487-7302
Fax No:  (906) 487-7557
Organization Name:  Finnish Center Association
Organization Overview:  The Finnish Center Association is dedicated to promoting the preservation of the Finnish and Finnish-American culture by offering its members an opportunity to experience all things Finnish: language classes, weaving, folk dancing, singing, cooking and baking and drama instruction. Programs and celebrations including concerts performed by the Finnish American Singers, the summer Jamboree, the Scandinavian Bazaar, Pikku Joulou, just to name a few, further expose its members to the Finnish culture at its most joyous. To continue the Finn's long standing dedication to education, collegiate scholarships and educational grants are made available on an annual basis. The Cultural Center library boasts a collection of Finnish and Finnish-American books, periodicals and archival materials and provides yet another opportunity for its members to learn about the past, present and future of Finland.
Language:  English,Finnish
Cultures:  Finnish
Street:  35200 West Eight Mile Road
City/Township:  Farmington Hills
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48335
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 478-6939
Fax No:  (248) 478-5671
Organization Name:  First Romanian Baptist Church
Organization Overview:  We gather for Worship on Sundays at 9:30am and 5:00pm. Our History/O Istorie Neterminata! Pentru credincioşi istoria este mai mult decât o înşiruire de evenimente menită a săpa în memoria omului realizările generaţiilor trecute. Pentru cel credincios istoria este o consemnare a credincioşiei lui Dumnezeu. El este Cel care a stat la baza oricăror realizări! Cazul Primei Biserici Baptiste Române din Detroit nu poate ieşi în afara acestor aspecte. Deşi începuturile ei se întind către zorii secolului 20, ceea ce o caracterizează nu este o tradiţie ci o viaţă trăită în ascultare de Dumnezeu. Aşa a început, aşa a rezistat peste ani şi aşa vrem să continue – o biserică ce este ambasada Împărăţiei Cerurilor aici pe pământ! Printre primii credincioşi care au venit pe meleagurile Statelor Unite, în căutarea unei noi patrii a fost şi cel dintâi baptist român în Detroit: Moise Treta. Prezenţa lui în Detroit este consemnată în luna Iunie a anului 1911. La scurt timp după această data, Rev. C. Brunette, pastorul de la „Ferry Avenue Baptist Church” îl botează pe Teodor Păişan, iniţiindu-se astfel misiunea acestei biserici pentru românii din aria Detroitului. Un an mai târziu, în 1912, misiunea se extinde prin iniţiativa unui frate din cadrul grupului de români de la „Ferry Avenue Baptist Church” de a începe ceva asemănător şi în partea de sud a oraşului (River Side). În 1913 un al punct misionar se înfiinţează în partea de nord a oraşului. Fiecare din aceste iniţiative sunt binecuvântate şi grupurile începute ajung să crească şi să se dezvolte fiecare în câte o biserică. Spiritul evanghelistic şi misionar al credincioşilor români din „Ferry Avenue Baptist Church” este răsplătit prin convertirea unui număr din ce în ce mai mare de persoane. În 13 Aprilie 1913 este consemnat un botez cu 6 persoane iar în 10 August, alte 6 persoane sunt botezate de Rev. C.R. Igrişan, păstorul Bisericii Baptiste Române din Cincinnati, Ohio. Creşterea numărului credincioşilor atât ca rezultat al evanghelizărilor dar şi în urmă emigraţiei tot mai intense crează necesitatea unui local propriu. În data de 4 Februarie a anului 1914 are loc dedicarea ca loc de închinare a imobilului de pe strada Farnsworth, Nr. 445. Tot în acest an se diversifică şi activitatea de închinare a bisericii iniţiindu-se o fanfară condusă de fr. Petru Crişan. În numai trei ani, numărul credincioşilor care alcătuiau Prima Biserică Baptistă Creştină din Detroit a ajuns la 60. Nume precum, Iosa Ciorău, Ilie Truţa, Petru Ardelean, Ştefan Curticean, Nicolae Drăgan, Nicolae Trifu, Ştefan Dobrei, Ioan Dronca, Ilie Ruja, nu comunică mare lucru generaţiilor de acum, dar prin credincioşia acestora şi altora ca ei, Evanghelia mântuirii a fost propovăduită vorbitorilor de limbă română din aria Detroitului iar Dumnezeu a fost onorat prin convertirile ce au avut loc. În Februarie 1915 este cumpărat imobilul cu numărul 1180 de pe strada Rivard cu suma de 3500 de dolari ei achitând 2000 din aceştia. Astfel de detalii ne pot ajuta pe noi, cei de acum, să apreciem nu numai starea economică de atunci dar şi sacrificiul acestor credincioşi. În 25 Aprilie 1915 are loc ordinare primului păstor al Primei Biserici Baptiste Române din Detroit în persoana fr. Lazăr Talpesh. Cu ocazia acestui eveniment este prezent la Detroit şi Rev. C. Igrişan, Preşedintele Asociaţiei Baptiste Române din America. Organizarea oficială sub numele de Prima Biserică Baptistă Română din Detroit are loc în luna Februarie a anului 1916. Din acest moment Biserica cunoaşte o creştere semnificativă: la finele anului 1916 registrele consemânau 225 de membri din care 36 deveniseră membrii prin botez iar 88 prin transfer. Numărul membrilor a determinat şi cumpărarea unui nou locaş de închinare pe strada Hastings. Anul 1917 înseamnă şi începutul unor convulsii ce certifică faptul că atunci când Împărăţia lui Dumnezeu se extinde şi inamicul îşi intensifică atacurile. În luna Noiembrie, pastorul Lazăr Talpesh demisionează şi pleacă la Philadephia. În locul lui este ales păstor al bisericii fr. Vasile Vigi. În 27 Februarie 1919, păstor al bisericii este ale fr. Ioan Socaciu pentru o perioadă de doi ani şi patru luni. El este urmat din nou de fr. Vasile Vigi care păstoreşte biserica până în 1924 când păstor este ales fr. Paul Brânduşe. Anul 1926 îl aduce ca păstor pe fr. L.A. Gradys. Acesta începe o nouă biserică iar grupul rămas îl alege din nou ca păstor pe fr. Lazăr Talpesh în anul 1927. Dumezeu îl foloseşte pentru o nouă etapă în existenţa Primei Biserici Baptiste Române din Detroit iar în anul 1942 are loc dedicarea unui nou locaş de închinare pe strada Woodward Avenue. De remarcat este faptul că biserica a fost implicată de-a lungul anilor în diverse proiecte misionare. Astfel au fost angajaţi şi susţinuţi misionari fie în SUA fie în Romania. A fost iniţiat un program de radio în limba română prin intermediul căruia se predica Evanghelia pentru vorbitorii de limbă română. Între 1942 şi sfârşitul anilor ‘60, emigraţia românească a fost tot mai scăzută şi sporadică. Aceasta a făcut ca numărul credincioşilor veniţi din ţară să scadă simţitor. Acest aspect a creat fenomenul „americanizării” bisericii: Şcoala Duminicală la clasele de copii şi tineret se ţineau în limba engleză, multe din imnurile cântate au fost cântate în limba engleză. În această situaţie de compromis cultural, biserica pierde un mare număr de membrii, în special tineri, care se transferă la biserici americane, ceea ce conduce nu numai la o scădere a numărului de membrii dar şi la o creştere a mediei de vârstă a bisericii. Începutul anilor ’70 însă aduce un nou val de emigranţi şi biserica se împrospătează. De fapt, comunitatea românească din Detroit cunoaşte o asemenea dezvoltare încât străzi întregi din zona „Woodward” erau locuite de români. Limba română era folosită la magazine, bănci şi servici. Biserica era situată în inima comunităţii şi se bucura de prosperitate. Înflorirea economică din acea periodă şi schimbările sociale ale zonei au condus la o migrare a populaţiei către suburbiile din zona de nord a oraşului Detroit. Odată cu mutarea populaţiei a devenit necesară şi găsirea unui nou locaş de închinare în zona de nord a oraşului. Astfel, clădirea bisericii de la 17816 Woodward Ave. Detroit, a fost vândutî în 1982 iar în 9 Octombrie 1983 a avut loc ceremonia săpării fundaţiei la locaşul de închinare de la 3244 John R, Troy, unde biserica funcţionează şi astăzi. Biserica a fost păstorită de-a lungul anilor de oameni ai lui Dumnezeu care şi-au împlinit cu credincioşie misiunea încredinţată!
Language:  English,Romanian
Cultures:  Romanian
Street:   3244 John R Rd,
City/Township:  Troy
State:  MI
Zip Code:   48083
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 524-2160
Organization Overview:  Michael O’Hare began his Irish Dance journey with the Dineen School of Dance in Detroit, Michigan. After a successful competitive career Michael established the O’Hare School of Irish dance on Detroit’s east side and went on to teach classes in the Mid-Michigan cities of Jackson, Saginaw, and Battle Creek as well as Southern US locations in Savannah & Augusta, Georgia and Naples, Florida. He has also taught in many western cities from Chicago, Ill to Anchorage, Alaska. In 1995, Michael along with his wife Elaine Flanagan-O’Hare, formed the Flanagan-O’Hare School of Irish Dance in Birmingham, Michigan. They have trained hundreds of dancers, many of whom went on to win Regional, National & World Championships. Michael and Elaine have performed at festivals across the state of Michigan and around the US from the Anchorage, Alaska Irish Fest to the White House St. Patrick’s Day Celebration for President Bill Clinton. Many of their students have also had the opportunity to tour with them and have gone on to join professional dance troupes in both Riverdance and Lord of the Dance. Michael and Elaine’s dedication to keeping Irish Culture alive in Florida and Michigan is unmatched. Their love and dedication to their dancers is never ending.
Language:  English
Cultures:  Irish
Street:  1250 Kensington Road
City/Township:  Bloomfield
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48304
Country:  USA
Phone:  (248) 755-9922
Organization Name:  Flint Scottish Pipe Band (FSPB)
Organization Overview:  The Flint Scottish Pipe Band has the distinction of being the oldest continuously running Pipe Band in Michigan.. It was founded in 1916 by Scottish Immigrants intent on preserving their Scottish Heritage through the music and dress of their homeland. The Flint Scottish Pipe Band’s mission is to introduce the tradition of the Highland Band to communities through performance in parades, competitions and special events. Today the Flint Scottish Pipe Band is constantly working to maintain their Award Winning Standard of Excellence. Our success on the competition field and our reputation as a solid, fun loving, family band has helped us to attract incredibly talented pipers and drummers. This has enabled us to provide world class instruction to our students at every level. As a band we continue to grow, we presently have over 40 members on our roster. We have a strong competition corps and work to add new musicians to our family through education and introduction to the pipes and drums.
Language:  English,Gaelic
Cultures:  Scottish
Street:  (mailing) P.O. BOX 742
City/Township:  Flint
Zip Code:  48501
Country:  USA
Organization Overview:  The French-Canadian Heritage Society of Michigan (FCHSM) is an educational, historical, cultural, and genealogical non-profit organization, committed to make people aware of the rich culture and history of French Canadians in North America. Articles appearing in Michigan’s Habitant Heritage (Our Journal) cover all areas of New France, including articles about French Canadians who lived in, explored, or travelled to all areas of Michigan, the Detroit River Region (which means both sides of the Detroit River), Michilimackinac, Fort St. Joseph, Southwest Ontario, the Great Lakes, the Mississippi Valley (Kaskaskia, Vincennes, New Orleans, Mobile), La Salle’s colony in Texas, Hudson Bay, and Acadia, as well as articles about our ancestors’ origins in France. Although the FCHSM is based in Michigan, members live throughout the United States and Canada. Please see our Acadia/Acadie Page, our Fort St. Joseph, Michilimackinac, and River Raisin/Frenchtown Page and our Mississippi Valley and Texas Page for examples of articles written about these areas, art, and maps, as well as links that can help you with your research. Visit us on our Facebook Page: Our aims and purposes are: To promote an awareness of and appreciation for our French-Canadian heritage. To facilitate contact and interaction among people of French-Canadian descent, for the purpose of researching family histories. To act as an educational and social group by sponsoring and participating in functions which further interest in and awareness of French-Canadian heritage and New France’s history.
Language:  English,French
Cultures:  Canadian,French
Street:  P.O. Box 1900
City/Township:  Royal Oak
State:  MI
Zip Code:  48068
Country:  USA

Additional information