Organization Name: Chinese in Michigan (CIM)
Organization Overview: We are a group of motivated Michigan residents who aim to strengthen the U.S. – China relationship through sharing events, stories, opportunities and thoughts in and beyond the community.
Language: Mandarin Chinese,English,Mandarin Chinese
Cultures: Chinese
State: MI
Country: USA
Organization Name: Culture (online discussion & meet-up forum)
Organization Overview: Our Vision
Millions of people live, work, and play outside of their home towns, provinces, states, and countries.
At CultureMesh, we're building networks to match these real-world dynamics and knit the diverse fabrics of our world together.
How it works
Join a network you belong to. Many places feel like home? At CultureMesh you can easily switch between networks.
Join the conversation. Post your thoughts and opinions. Share what's new!
Connect to your diaspora - the world is your playground!
Language: English
Cultures: Chinese,Indian,Indonesian,Taiwanese
Country: USA
Organization Name: Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Street: 1413 Garfield Ave
City/Township: Lincoln Park
State: MI
Zip Code: 48146
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 928‑2546
Organization Name: Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Language: Armenian,English
Cultures: American,Armenian
Street: 16104 Chesapeake Circle
City/Township: Walled Lake
State: MI
Zip Code: 48390
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 346-5236
Organization Name: Detroit Chinese Bible Church 底特律中華聖經教會
Organization Overview: Welcome to Detroit Chinese Bible Church
The Chinese Bible Church is seeking to meet the needs of the Chinese community in the Metropolitan Detroit area.
Our goal is to glorify God through the preaching and teaching of His Word, the equipping of the believers for service, and the spreading of the Gospel.
The church promotes worship, fellowship, and outreach through various fellowship and Bible study groups, prayer meetings, training seminars, and outreach programs.
Language: Cantonese,Mandarin Chinese,English,Mandarin Chinese
Cultures: Chinese
Street: 28111 West 10 Mile Road,
City/Township: Farmington Hills
State: MI
Zip Code: 48336
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 473-2050 (Chinese); (248) 473-2016 (English)
Organization Name: Detroit Korean Seventh Day Adventist Church
Organization Overview: 일곱 번째 날 재림 그들의 유일한 신조로 성경을 적용하고 성경의 가르침으로 특정 기본적인 신념을 개최합니다. 이러한 믿음은 교회의 이해와 성경의 가르침의 발현을 구성한다.
Seventh Day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. These beliefs constitute the church's understanding and expression of the teaching of Scripture.
Language: Korean
Cultures: Korean
Street: 15956 Middlebelt Rd.
City/Township: Livonia
State: MI
Zip Code: 48154
Country: USA
Phone: (734) 522-3332
Fax No: (734) 522-3332
Organization Name: Detroit Swiss Society
Organization Overview: The Detroit Swiss Society was founded over 140 years ago when a group of patriotic Swiss united and founded the Gruetli Verein on August 4, 1868. They named themselves the Gruetli Verein of Detroit. Detroit was then just a good-sized village with plenty of forest, wild life and farms. Its members dedicated themselves to assisting each other in times of need, both materially and spiritually.
Language: English,German
Cultures: Swiss
Street: c/o Carpathian Club, 38000 Utica Road
City/Township: Sterling Heights
State: MIchigan
Zip Code: 48312
Country: USA
Phone: (734) 648-0831
Organization Name: Detroit Telugu Association
Organization Overview: Detroit Telugu Association
was formed in 1976 to serve the Telugu community in Michigan.
Our Vision:
To promote Telugu culture by facilitating communication and interaction within our membership and also play an active role in contributing to the welfare of the communities around us.
Membership is open to all those interested in the activities and functions of DTA. The DTA members are defined as those who paid the annual dues as specified in the By Laws. Membership includes husband, wife and dependent youth over 18 years of age. All such members constitute the General Body of DTA.
ఏదేశమేగినా ఎందుకాలిడిన
ఏపీఠమెక్కినా, ఎవ్వరేమనిన
పొగడరా నీ తల్లి భూమి భారతిని నిలుపరా నీ జాతి నిండు గౌరవము
Detroit Telugu Association (DTA) was formed in 1976 as a non-profit organization with the following objectives:
To encourage and promote the religious, and cultural functions of the Telugu community.
To invite and honor literary, scientific, and religious dignitaries of interest to the DTA members.
To promote better communication among the DTA members.
To act as an agency to collect donations for educational and socio-economical development of the needy, and transfer funds to charities.
To organize other functions as required, which will involve the participation of the DTA member
Language: English,Telugu
Cultures: Indian
State: MI
Country: USA
Organization Name: Detroit Vietnamese Golf Association (DVGA)
Organization Overview: To promote the game of golf to all Vietnamese-American in the Metro-Detroit areas. Our primary goals are to have fun, build long lasting friendships, and foster friendly team competitions with other Vietnamese Golf Associations throughout the United States and Canada.
Language: English,Vietnamese
Cultures: Vietnamese
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Country: USA
Organization Name: Detroit World Outreach Christian Church
Organization Overview: When you visit Detroit World Outreach, you will experience a unique vibrancy in our worship services. We are a diverse body of believers from all over Metro Detroit (and beyond) as well as Cyber Members who have never even visited one of our campuses. Though all of our colors, backgrounds and life situations are unique, we are a unified group committed to fulfill the purposes of Christ. Join us this Sunday — in person or online — you’ll be changed!
Our Commitment
To train DWO members and provide corporate opportunities for them to fulfill the biblical mandate of the church.
(Luke 19:10; 1 John 3:8; John 10:10; Ephesians 3:10)
To operate in Godly Character, Integrity and Good Stewardship.
(1 Timothy 3:2-7)
To come before you sanctified and ready to minister the Word of God.
(Romans 15:15-16; 1 Timothy 4:12-13; 1Peter 5:2)
To teach the Word of God in a practical manner, to empower you to live the abundant life as described in scripture, and fulfill your divine purpose through the development of individuals, families, and the Godly wisdom necessary to reach destiny.
(Jeremiah 3:14-15; Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 2:10)
To provide a church experience that is dynamic, contemporary, cutting edge, and where the presence of God is consistently manifested and the Power of God is regularly demonstrated.
(Isaiah 43:18-19; 2 Chronicles 5:11-14; Acts 2:38-39)
To follow the divine mandates that God gives to DWO to fully contribute to the body of Christ as a whole.
(1 Peter 5:2-3; Ephesians 4:11-16; Jeremiah 23:3-4)
To give Spiritual guidance and support through “Life Challenges and Transitions” through our Member Services.
(Galatians 6:2,10)
We Believe
All scripture is given by the inspiration of God.
There is One True God manifest in 3 distinct persons, the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is true God and true man.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God and are in need of salvation.
Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ and repentance of sin.
Sanctification is the will of God for all believers through obedience to the Word of God and the leading of the Spirit.
Every believer should participate in water baptism and the observance of Holy Communion.
Every believer should seek after The Gift of the Holy Ghost with the manifestation of speaking in other tongues.
The Church (the body of Christ) consists of all who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
Our 7 Distinctives
The vision and mission of DWO makes us unique as a church body.
Our commitments:
1. Driven by the purposes of Christ:
To seek and save that which is lost. Luke 19:10
To destroy the works of the devil. 1 John. 3:8
To live and teach others to live an abundant life. John 10:10
2. Development of the person
3. Destiny Development
4. Development of the Family
5. Diversity of People (A church for all colors)
6. A Dynamic Church (Contemporary and Accelerating)
7. A Church/People of Divine Power
Language: English
Cultures: African,African-American
Street: 23800 W. Chicago
City/Township: Redford Township
State: MI
Zip Code: 48239
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 255-2222
Organization Name: Enugu (Nigerian state) Cultural Organization of Michigan
Organization Overview: Enugu Cultural Organization of Michigan (ECOMI) is a non-profit organization, registered in the state of Michigan under the IRS code subsection 501 C3. Our goal is to promote cultural awareness and unity among members and help improve the quality of life of the less privileged at our local community through donations or volunteer services and also help those at home (Enugu, Nigeria) through development efforts such as health education and medical services.
Language: English
Cultures: African,All,Nigerian,West African
State: Michigan
Country: USA
Organization Name: Epirotic Society of Michigan
Language: English,Greek
Cultures: Greek
State: MI
Country: USA
Organization Name: Fantasia Ballet Folklorico
Organization Overview: Mission Statement
Fantasia Ballet Folklorico objective and goal is to promote and increase the social conscience of others with respect to the cultural contributions made by Hispanics, especially in the fine art of dance
Fantasia Ballet Folklorico also endeavors to motivate, build self-esteem, develop discipline, and promote a sense of pride and self-respect among the dancers along with a deeper understanding of their cultural heritage.
Language: English,Spanish
Cultures: Hispanic
City/Township: Lansing
State: MI
Zip Code: 48901, 48909, 48980
Country: USA
Phone: (517) 887-8219
Organization Name: FIERI Metro Detroit
Organization Overview: Italian cultural and language organization.
Social network that promotes the Italian
language and the Italian image in the media.
For people between 18 and 48.
Language: Italian
Cultures: Italian
Street: 196 Cesar Ave.
City/Township: Pontiac
Zip Code: 48342
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 217-0104
Organization Name: Finnish American Heritage Center
Organization Overview: Since its grand opening in 1990, Finlandia University's Finnish American Heritage Center has become a community focal point and a national center, offering a multitude of exhibits, lectures, plays, musical programs and community events each year. The building is a popular stop for tourists.
Finnish immigrants dreamed of an institution that would provide religious education, perpetuate the Finnish language and preserve their experience in North America. Suomi College (now Finlandia University) built in 1896, is the realization of that dream, and the only remaining North American institution of higher learning founded by Finnish Americans.
Amerikansuomalaisen Perinnekeskuksen avajaiset pidettiin vuoden 1990 FinnFestin yhteydessä. Perinnekeskus on osa Finlandia University'iä, jonka monet tuntevat vanhalla nimellään: Suomi College. Perustamisestaan lähtien perinnekeskuksen tiloissa on ollut auditorio, taidegalleria ja Amerikansuomalainen Historiallinen Arkisto. Perinnekeskus on samalla paikallinen- että kansallinen keskus, jossa pidetään taidenäyttelyitä, teatteri- ja musiikkiohjelmia, luentotilaisuuksia sekä lukuisia yhteisöllisiä tapahtumia. Rakennus on myös suosittu pysähtymispaikka turisteille ja koululaisille.
Tultuaan Yhdysvaltoihin suomalaiset siirtolaiset unelmoivat omasta instituutiosta, joka tarjoaisi uskonnollista opetusta, pitäisi suomen kieltä ja kulttuuria yllä ja säilyttäisi amerikansuomalaisten omaa perinnettä. Suomi College (nykyään Finlandia University), joka perustettiin vuonna 1896, oli noiden unelmien todellistuma. Se on ainoa amerikansuomalaisten perustama korkeakoulu Yhdysvalloissa.
Perinnekeskuksessa sijaitsevat Amerikansuomalainen Historiallinen Arkisto, "The Finnish American Reporter" -sanomalehti, taidegalleria ja auditorio ovat amerikansuomalaisen yhteisön linkki kulttuuriinsa ja Suomeen. Perinnekeskuksen asiakkaat ovat lähinnä opiskelijoita, eri alojen tutkijoita, sukututkijoita ja arvovieraita. Lukuisiin perinnekeskuksessa vierailleisiin arvovieraisiin ovat kuuluneet
Language: English,Finnish
Cultures: Finnish
Street: 435 Quincy St; Hancock
City/Township: Other
State: MI
Zip Code: 49930
Country: USA
Phone: (906) 487-7302
Fax No: (906) 487-7557