Organization Name: Holy Martyrs Chaldean Catholic Church
Language: Arabic,Chaldean,English
Cultures: Arabic,Chaldean,Iraqi
Street: 43700 Merrill Rd.
City/Township: Sterling Heights
State: MI
Zip Code: 48312
Country: USA
Phone: (586) 803-3114
Organization Name: Holy Name of Jesus Church
Organization Overview: We are a culturally diverse, engaging Catholic Community dedicated to Christ’s mission through worship, education, stewardship and outreach. Bridging city and suburb, we are disciples making a difference here on earth and in the life to come.
City/Township: Wyoming
State: MI
Country: Canada
Phone: (616) 241-6489
Fax No: (616) 241-6480
Organization Name: Most Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Church
Organization Overview: Empowered by God's Spirit in the Scriptures and Sacraments, we seek to be servants of Jesus Christ the Redeemer in our multicultural parish and community.
Daily religious services in English and Spanish.
Language: English,Spanish
Cultures: All,American,Central American,Hispanic,Latin American,Mexican
Street: 1721 Junction
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Zip Code: 48209
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 842-3450
Fax No: (313) 849-0539
Organization Name: Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church
Organization Overview: Mission Statement
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish is a multi-cultural faith community that lives, proclaims and shares the Holy Gospel with its parishioners and all God’s People.
Vision Statement
Guided by the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity Parish is growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ to become a stronger Catholic Community by providing worship, faith formation, outreach and quality of place to all God’s people.
Language: English,Spanish
Cultures: All,American,Hispanic,Multicultural
Street: 1331 7th St,
City/Township: Port Huron
State: MI
Zip Code: 48060
Country: USA
Phone: (810) 984-2689
Fax No: (810) 984-8559
Organization Name: Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church
Organization Overview: The Ukrainian Catholic Church is the largest Eastern Catholic Church of its own law (Ecclesia sui juris). It belongs to the group of Churches of the Byzantine rite which are in mutual communion with the Roman Hierarch and acknowledge his spiritual and jurisdictional authority. In this context “rite” means the liturgical, theological, spiritual and legal inheritance. Names which are used to define the Ukrainian Catholic Church: Union Church, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church; Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Byzantine rite, and Kyivan Catholic Church.
Today our parish continues its educational ministry trough Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Schools. The parish has a wonderful choir, a youth prayer group “Youth for Christ”, Ladies Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and " The Fatima prayer Group" that makes major contributions to the life of the parish and its spiritual development. The Ladies from our 'White House' continue to make the most delicious Varenyky and have them for sale at the Parish rectory" the proceeds from the Varenyly are a major financial contribution for our Parochial Schools.
Українська Католицька Церква (УКЦ), - одна з чотирьох традиційних українських Церков – спадкоємиць Володимирового хрещення, що налічує біля шести мільйонів вірних в усіх регіонах України та на шести континентах світу; є найбільшою Східною Католицькою самоуправною Церквою (Ecclesia sui juris); зберігає візантійсько- український обряд, тобто - літургічне, богословське, духовне та правове насліддя; перебуває у повному сопричасті зі Вселенським Архиєреєм – Папою Римським і визнає його духовну та юрисдикційну владу; прагне до відновлення первісної єдності Київської Церкви; твердо й послідовно відстоює право українського народу на свою незалежну соборну державу та становлення в ній зрілого громадянського суспільства; реалізує велику кількість благодійних та громадських проектів в Амеріці, в Україні та поза її межами.
Протягом багатьох років при парафії діє школа Непорочного Зачаття, де формується поколіннями національна свідомість, плекається любов до традицій, мови, культури та
Language: English,Ukrainian
Cultures: Ukrainian
Street: 11700 McDougall St,
City/Township: Hamtramck
State: MI
Zip Code: 48212
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 893-1710
Organization Name: Immaculate Heart of Mary, Grand Rapids
Organization Overview: Our Mission
Seeking to live as disciples of Jesus Christ, we reach out in Christian service to our families, our parish, our community and our world. We value our Catholic beliefs and nurture our continual growth and faith renewal. We strive to be a welcoming, vibrant Christ-centered community of believers that acknowledges and embraces the diversity of our parish family. Our parish life is centered in the celebration of the Word and of the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we are committed to be stewards of our time, talent and treasure for the sake of building up the Reign of God.
Language: Croatian,English
Cultures: All,American,Croatian
Street: 1935 Plymouth Ave. SE
City/Township: Grand Rapids
State: MI
Zip Code: 49506
Country: USA
Phone: (616 )241-4477
Fax No: (616) 241-2832
Organization Name: St Thomas Chaldean Catholic
Organization Overview: Eparchy of St. Thomas the Apostle of Detroit
Chaldean rite
Mar Addai is a Chaldean Catholic Church located in Oak Park, Michigan. With many different programs, such as various retreats (KEPA, Kairos, CASA), Jesus Christ University, and Catechism for younger children, the church is very involved in bettering the Chaldean community.
Language: Arabic,Chaldean,English
Cultures: American,Arabic,Chaldean,Iraqi
Street: 24010 Coolidge Hwy
City/Township: Oak Park
State: MI
Zip Code: 48237
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 547-4648
Organization Name: Most Holy Trinity Parish
Organization Overview: Religious services daily in English and Spanish. A Parish of The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit MI.
Cultures: All,American,Central American,Hispanic,Latin American,Mexican,Multicultural
Street: 1050 Porter St
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Zip Code: 48226
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 965-4450
Fax No: (313) 965-4453
Organization Name: Mother of Divine Mercy Church
Organization Overview: Mother of Divine Mercy parish gives witness to His message living out our Roman Catholic faith by serving our brothers and sisters from the heart of Detroit and beyond.
We invite you to explore what our parish has to offer!
Language: English,Latin,Polish
Cultures: All,Polish
Street: 4440 Russell St
City/Township: Detroit
State: MI
Zip Code: 48207
Country: USA
Phone: (313) 831-6659
Fax No: (313) 831-8522
Organization Name: Mother of God Chaldean Catholic Church
Language: Arabic,Chaldean,English
Cultures: Chaldean
Street: 25585 Berg Rd,
City/Township: Southfield
State: MI
Zip Code: 48033
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 356-0565
Fax No: (248) 356-5234
Organization Name: National Shrine of the Little Flower Roman Catholic Church
Organization Overview: The National Shrine of the Little Flower is located in Royal Oak, Michigan. Together with its schools and religious formation programs, the National Shrine of the Little Flower welcomes all to share in the Gospel of Christ.
Language: English,Polish,Spanish
Cultures: All
Street: 2100 Twelve Mile Rd,
City/Township: Royal Oak
State: MI
Zip Code: 48073
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 541-4122
Organization Name: Orchard Lake Schools St. Mary's Preparatory
Organization Overview: St. Mary's Preparatory is a four year secondary program of pre-college studies in a disciplined environment preparing young men for future study and careers of service. The Prep has a day student and boarding school program. St. Mary's is accredited by the State of Michigan Board of Education, the Archdiocese of Detroit, and MNSAA/MANS. Almost 100% of our graduates attend college. "If the Orchard Lake Schools did not exist, it would be necessary to establish them." -- Pope John Paul II
St. Mary’s Preparatory is a Catholic, all-boys, college preparatory high school with a Polish-American heritage and legacy since 1885 A.D. We exist to provide deserving young men the moral guidance, discipline, and education to become Christ-like models of service and leadership for the world. By completion of our spiritual and educational model, these men gain the character, reverence, and fortitude to meet all challenges for the greater glory of God and their alma mater.
Language: English,Polish
Cultures: Polish
Street: St. Mary's Preparatory 3535 Commerce Rd.
City/Township: Orchard Lake
State: MI
Zip Code: 48234
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 683-0530
Fax No: (248) 683-1740
Organization Name: Our Lady of AlbaniansRoman Catholic Church
Organization Overview: Masses and devotions in Albanian language.
Language: Albanian,English
Cultures: Albanian
Street: 29350 Lahser Rd,
City/Township: Southfield
State: MI
Zip Code: 48034
Country: USA
Phone: (248) 353-3410
Fax No: (248) 353-5412
Organization Name: Our Lady of Czestochowa Church/Parafia Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej
Organization Overview: Radujemy się z faktu iż odwiedziliście nas, pragnąc zasięgnąć informacji o historii, życiu i działalności naszej Wspólnoty. Parafię prowadzą Kapłani z Towarzystwa Chrystusowego a wspierają ich Siostry Misjonarki Chrystusa Króla dla Polonii. Wspólnotę tworzą Polacy mieszkający w metropoli Detroit, a także amerykanie posiadający polskie korzenie. W naszej świątyni wielbimy Boga i oddajemy cześć Matce Bożej Częstochowskiej, tak bliskiej sercu każdego Polaka. Tutaj pogłębiamy naszą religijną i narodową tożsamość.
Language: English,Polish
Cultures: Polish
Street: 3100 118 Mile Road
City/Township: Sterling Heights
State: MI
Zip Code: 48314
Country: USA
Phone: (586) 977-7267
Fax No: (586) 977-2074
Organization Name: Our Lady of Grace Vietnamese Catholic Parish
Organization Overview: Our Lady of Grace Vietnamese Catholic Parish is a national parish within the Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan. The parish's aim is to serve the Vietnamese Catholics in the Detroit metro area.
Language: English,Vietnamese
Cultures: Vietnamese
Street: 19300 Stephens Rd
City/Township: Eastpointe
State: MI
Zip Code: 48021
Country: USA
Phone: (586) 447-0504
Fax No: (586) 477-8082